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Save lives - order your Beaty CPR feedback device

Royce Cross Group

New portable first-aid device

Brady Beaty CPR feedback device

The latest first-aid device released by Brady Australia is the Beaty CPR feedback device.

The device beeps when compressions are effective.

As well as making a great addition to any first-aid kit or AED carry case, the Beaty feedback device is easy to use with no buttons or display.

Developed to provide real time CPR feedback to help first responders and bystanders perform CPR in case they do not have any prior medical knowledge, the new device is conveniently pocket sized.

To use, the Beaty device is placed between the rescuer’s palm and victim’s chest while performing chest compressions. Beaty gives audible feedback with each adequate chest compression, reaching a depth of 5cm, thus increasing the victim’s chances of survival as well as the user’s sense of capability.

It is simple to use as it doesn't have any buttons.

The Beaty runs on a three-volt lithium battery that can last for more than five years on standby mode or 15 hours of continuous CPR.

To learn more about Brady's new Beaty CPR feedback device, contact the experts at Royce Cross Group - phone 08 8269 4000;


Watch how it works by clicking HERE

How to use Brady's Beaty CPR feedback device